Drivers and Mechanicians

    Most of the drivers and mechanicians (riding mechanics) on this page were Knox employees who competed in Knox-owned cars at some time before World War 1. Exceptions are noted accordingly. Only drives in Knox cars are recorded here. This is far from a complete list.

    Basle, Charles (Driver)

    1908: Lowell Races
    Charles Basle on left.. Mechanician unknown.
    Belcher, Fred (Mechanician then Driver) 
    Fred Belcher, mechanician, on right. Photo at the 1909 Crown Point Races, Crown Point, IL.
    Fred Belcher and his wife, in the Knox he drove at the first Indianapolis 500 in 1911.
    The Knox made fastest lap of the day.

    1909 Sep 6: Driver: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass. Knox #K car. Placed 7th.
    1910 Oct 1: Driver, Long Island Races, NY Knox #32 car. DNF, broken valve.
    1911 May 31: First Indianapolis 500, IN., Knox #15 car, started 13 finished 9, fastest lap of day.

    Bourque, Wilfrid  (Driver)

    Aka "Billy" Bourque (frequently identified incorrectly as William, Wilfred, Bork, Burke, Borque, Borg).
    Chandler, Billy (Driver)
    Cliquot, Louis (Driver)
    Coffey, John J. (Driver)
    1909: Bridgeport Hill Climb
    1911: Relief driver for Fred Belcher, Indianapolis 500
    John Coffey at the 1909 Bridgeport Hill Climb
    Cuneo, Joan (Driver)
    Joan Cuneo was a private owner who successfully campaigned her 1909 Knox. Don't let the sweet smile and dainty hat fool you. Long before Denise McCluggage, Janet Gurthrie or Danica Patrick , Joan Cuneo was giving the boys a run for their money.
    Joan Cuneo at the wheel of Knox Model M (Louis Disbrow in passenger seat)
    No question Joan Cuneo could drive.
    Joan Cuneo (right) with Alice Ramsey, first woman to drive cross-country
    (New York to California) in 1909.
    It would be another 11 years before they could vote in an election (1920).

    Crane, ? (Mechanician)
    Denison, Al (Driver)
    Dennis, Albert (Mechanician)

    1909: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass. (ChampCarStats)

    Downey, Joe (Driver)

    1909: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass., scheduled to drive but his car was driven by Fred Shaw. (ChampCarStats)

    Fineberg, Barney (Mechanician)

    1909: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass. (Source: ChampCarStats)

    Free, Frank (Driver)
    Gault, William H. (Mechanician)

    Shown in photo below (on right) with Al Denison (driver), in Knox Model M (Knox Giant), around 1909.

    Holcomb, Harry A. (Mechanician)

    Shown on right in photo below, with Wilfrid Bourque (left).

    Jahn, William M. (Mechanician)

    1911: First Indianapolis 500. With Fred Belcher, driver. Knox #15 car.

    Shown on right in photo below, with Fred Belcher on left.

    Laflamme, Dennis (Mechanician)

    1909: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass.

    Lynch, ? (Mechanician)

    Mulford, Ralph (Driver)

    Nikrent, Louis (Driver)

    Oldfield, Barney (Driver)


    Shaw, Fred (Driver)

    1909: Lowell Races, Lowell, Mass. Drove the #C Knox which had been scheduled to be driven by Joe Downey. Placed 8th.